Grandpa George... And Mr. Cooper

As George and I began our journey together in December of 1980 we both knew how blessed we were to have found each other. In so many ways we felt the same about what life had to offer. And early on in our journey we found life so amazing to see it through each others eyes. As the years went by we were blessed with three children that also exposed us to seeing the world through younger eyes. For me living in a home with George and our kids meant never a dull moment…..Georges love for us always put us first in his mind. Always….In September of 2012 Mr. Cooper would enter our lives. For reason I may never know George would only get to share one year of his life with this special little boy. But it was a year of pure Joy for George. Cooper know’s his Grandfather well. Our family gatherings are full of stories of Grandpa George. His presence is felt in all our homes. But some times when I witness the joy Mr. Cooper brings to a moment my heart aches for the absents of Grandpa George.

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