My Heart...It skipped a beat.

To say the first time I saw George my heart skipped a beat would be an understatement….He had a smile that was very true to how he was feeling at that moment. No faking it. And of course if his smile lite up his face his eyes would sparkle like the stars on a dark clear night. A moment that relayed to me “That life does not get much better than this.” This never wavered in the 34 years I would be blessed to have him in my life. This photo was taken when he was courting me!! As time went by I would tease him he had not changed at all. He still dressed in cloths that made him feel comfortable . Only wore this hat when it rained. Still loved dogs and a good scotch at the end of the day. And he would still give me this smile that told me he was happy. This photo I treasure……
