People would always ask George how he got into blacksmithing. He would tell them that from a very young age he had always enjoyed making things. At about the age of 17 he had been doing some wood carving and was in search of a certain wood carving tool that he could not find. Being who he was he decided to just make what he needed. So began several trips to the local library to read up on what he would need to built his first make- shift forge. Barbecue charcoal was used as coal, his moms hair dryer was his first forge blower, and a piece of railroad rail he salvaged from some where was his first anvil. This first “Forge In” would take place on his folks drive way in Alexandria Virginia….He told me “Char I knew the first moment my hammer moved that piece of hot iron my life had changed.” George would be blessed to stand at a forge for 38 years of his young life of 56. Since his passing I have had a lot of time to look back on our 34 years together. To have been able to watch him stand at his forge and truly live life has given me such joy. Through him another young life was changed…..