Those who knew George well or who were blessed to meet him once may have noticed he always carried a notepad and pen. To keep this pad and pen handy his shirts always had a front pocket with a snap or button. He was not a fussy dresser but this pocket requirement was a given. He would comment to me that there is so much I want to do if I don’t write some of the important stuff down I will forget. He had a preference for certain notebooks but once in awhile I would come across one I couldn’t pass up. Over the years a pile of these used up note books filled a drawer in his office. After his death I found these note pads something I could not look through for along time. Now as I open one and read his notes I am taken back in time. Names and numbers…date and time of a 4-H meeting…sketches…book and movie titles… lunch with one of the girls…and a note from me letting him know I loved him. This is something I wanted him to always remember…..